Gentle Therapy for Pain Relief
& Whole Body Healing
The Bowen Affect 
The Bowen Technique is a holistic approach to pain relief and healing. It is based on the recognition that the underlying cause or source of many musculoskeletal, neurological, neuromuscular, and other health or pain issues can be found in the form of an imbalance of systems within the body.
The Bowen Therapy Technique is very gentle and non-invasive, but extremely powerful. It is a soft connective tissue, hands-on therapy, that addresses all the body's systems and restores the natural balance within the body. Bowen Therapy uses a sequence of small, gentle moves that deliver signals to the nervous system at specific locations on your body. (On muscles, tendons, ligaments, or nerves) This procedural sequence encourages relaxation and in a sense, resets or re-instructs the nervous system. As a result, the “alarms” that are causing pain and discomfort are gently disrupted, bringing relief and allowing the body to make the adjustments necessary to heal.
Benefits of Bowen Therapy
The Bowen Technique can help with various existing conditions- Back Pain/Sciatica
- Neck & Shoulder Problems (including 'Frozen Shoulder')
- Earache & TMJ Problems
- RSI, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Tennis Elbow
- Migraines and other headaches
- Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot problems
- Respiratory Problems/Hayfever
- Menstrual & Hormonal Irregularities
- Digestive & Bowel Problems
- Groin Pain, Pelvic Tilt, and Uneven Leg Length
- Sports and other traumatic injuries


We perform the techniques, and your body does the rest. The body can be its best opportunity for healing and the wide range of techniques used at our facility are specifically designed to aid your body in its individual needs. We provide a holistic approach to healing that balances and stimulates energy flows, improving circulation and lymph flow, increasing nutrition and oxygenation to cells, tissues, and systems and so much more.